Branded plates & bowls

Branded plates and bowls would be perfect for any big business functions, or perhaps you run a restaurant, hotel or café and want to show your guests that you’ve thought of everything. Having branded plates would make you stand out from other hotels – think Wetherspoons plates, they’re instantly recognisable, even when not in a Wetherspoons. Plus, a plate with you...
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More about Branded Plates & Bowls

Branded plates and bowls would be perfect for any big business functions, or perhaps you run a restaurant, hotel or café and want to show your guests that you’ve thought of everything. Having branded plates would make you stand out from other hotels – think Wetherspoons plates, they’re instantly recognisable, even when not in a Wetherspoons. Plus, a plate with your business on is much harder to lose! 

 Check out our range today for branded plates and bowls!